Chuck M

Seldom do I write a review but was compelled because of the quality of product and service. My wife can not walk any distance due to her health. Dan and Angel were very accommodating, and I decided to purchase the Platinum unit in red. This chair is built like a tank, but I can easily lift in and out of the rear doors of my truck. Everything about the chair is built well and my wife is easily able to control the unit and within 5 minutes had the unit mastered. Our first trip was to the park where we spent over an hour just seeing parts she has not seen in years. Thanks Miracle Mobility!

Miracle Mobility, LLC Response

That does our hearts good to hear. It is the reason we went into developing a foldable electric wheelchair, to give people a cost-effective solution to be able to get out and about. Thank you for choosing Miracle Mobility!

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Miracle Mobility