Angel Overlay

I have the Miracle Mobility Gold, it’s great to take to museums and places where I would have to push my manual wheelchair for long distances. I can’t lift it to put in the trunk myself, I’m a paraplegic, so my husband does that for me, but it saves him having to push so much. We like parks and one of our favorites is Weedon Island Preserve, which is so peaceful and beautiful but such a long distance out to the observation points and trails – we enjoy it so much more now with the Miracle Mobility Gold.

Response from the owner 3 years ago

So glad you’re enjoying it! The Gold weighs 46lbs, but if you slide the battery out (unplug from the power cord first 😉 it’ll weigh 41lbs and be lighter for him to lift, or you might be able to transfer to your chair an-d lift yourself? Let us know if you need any accessories – we have cup –holders, cell phone holders, travel bags….call us 727-748-4657 if you need anything!

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Miracle Mobility